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Review on “Red Rider”

“So easy anyone has rarely been the demands on managers to the point.”

“The book has HR managers and all, dealing with personnel development, much to say.”



Review on “Socialnet”

“As far as this book is thoroughly recommended not only for practitioners and consultants, but should be exciting for the study of the diagnosis of management skills.”

“A highly recommended work on the theory and practice of management diagnostics, also suitable for the sector in social services.”



Review on “Personalityexperts”

“The book is very well structured and gives a detailed insight into the work processes from the perspective of a consultant in the implementation of management diagnostics.”

“For users on both sides of this service equally interesting, ie both advisory service as well as for HR and HR Manager”



Review on “Psychology in Austria”

“The author brings a diagnostic in books usually lack perspective and shows, that management diagnostics always takes place in a field of tension between different interests…”
“There are well-founded and psychologically in a language understandable for laymen, the measurement levels of management diagnostic potential, Competence and performance shown.”



Reviews on “Amazon”

“Mr. Lackner has to convey the talent complicated facts in all simplicity and clarity.”

“Absolute reading recommendation both for people who in a professional context to do with management diagnostics as well as for prospective and current applicants.”



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