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This is how we work!

Soft factors become hard facts!

We measure relevant factors about your performance and demonstrate, where you actually are.
Only after this positioning will we embark on the journey and find new solutions.

Diagnosis: We examine your current situation at the management, the team and the organizational level. The results show specific objectifyable facts. The core of our work 20 is the Vienna Teamanalysis© that has been tried and tested for 20 years! The interpretation and derivation of specific goals and action steps is done in cooperation with you. > more

Development process: Following the diagnosis we develop an architecture and design for the necessary action steps and work on specific solutions. The process is developed in a way, that the necessary changes can be applied by yourself or with our support.

We use analytical methods, if necessary done through “analog methods” (constellation work, art-performance, …) of diagnosis and development processes. > more


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